An educational inclusive tactile art workshop for deaf and blind students
After the tactile guided visit to the National Museum of Beirut, students from the Lebanese School for the Blind and Deaf started the first session of their workshop on the "Tactile books" activity with the Red Oak specialized team. Tactile books are an extraordinary educational tool, particularly useful for encouraging learning and knowledge for children with visual impairment. These books are of pedagogical value also for all children and for any other types of disabilities such as cognitive ones. They represent an important potential in the learning of spatial and topological concepts, in the stimulation of the imaginative faculties, and in the analysis and multi-sensory reconstruction of what surrounds us.
This activity is part of our project "Doors. Please Touch" launched in 2018 in partnership with the Lebanese Ministry, the Italian Cultural Institute, the Omero National Museum of Italy, the National Museum of Beirut and MACAM.