Stronger Together
In partnership with World Vision, Red Oak provides specialized psychosocial services for children and caregivers in the Akkar region in Lebanon.
The project provides support sessions to 120 children at risk and survivors of violence exploitation and abuse. These sessions enhance interpersonal relations and self-protection and increase the capacity and awareness of children to negotiate risks and know where to go for help. The group sessions help improve children’s ability to identify emotions and to express them through drawing, drama, puppet theater, games, storytelling, art and crafts, etc. It also improves their abilities to concentrate and improve memory skills.
The project also supports 240 caregivers to attend relevant group sessions to enhance their own parenting skills and create a nurturing bond with their children. It will maintain high standard of development and learning to enable positive responses to providing high-quality support. The intervention mainstreams parenting tips and provides coaching on child development techniques and enables positive responses. The sessions build the caregivers’ capacity and reduce the likelihood of their children’s suffering, abuse, neglect and any other adverse experiences. It supports and mentor the caregiver to improve their households in order to provide a safe, stimulating and nurturing home environment for their children. Caregivers are invited to look at their own experiences and the impact this may have. They have the opportunity to express their thoughts and emotions and communicate with other caregivers who understand their challenges, emotions and breakdowns without judgement, criticizing or shaming.