Provision of specialized mental health and psychosocial (MHPSS) services to at-risk women and girls, and children and their caregivers affected by the Beirut explosions
The Beirut Port explosions on 4 August 2020 created significant immediate humanitarian needs and severe long-term consequences.
The impact of the explosions adds to an already critical situation faced by Lebanon due to a severe economic and financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. The trauma suffered in the explosions will extend beyond the physical reconstruction. Mental health needs will remain manifest, especially for already vulnerable populations. Health care and first responders may also require dedicated attention. Social norms and taboos may deter many from seeking professional assistance.
In addition, socio-economic pressures may make the cost of medical treatments prohibitive for many families, many of which had exhausted their savings due to the economic situation prior to the explosions. Vulnerable groups such as Syrian and Palestine refugees, migrant workers and informal sector workers particularly struggle to pay health costs.
Finally, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) has increased during the COVID-19 outbreak and it is likely that the current crisis will exacerbate pre-existing risks. As the economic situation deteriorates and families shelter together, domestic disputes tend to intensify and might lead to violence against the weakest family members, often women, children and LGBTIQ+. Limited infrastructure to provide health services, the general state of insecurity, and lack of safe spaces following the explosion is likely to prevent people from reporting the incidents and getting assisted
About the Project:
With funding from Stitching Benevolentia and support from the International Rescue Committee, the project provides a full scope of psychosocial and protection services to support the most vulnerable parents/caregivers, children, women and girls affected by the explosion in Beirut. It helps them to cope with trauma, loss, feeling of helplessness and to become reconciled to everyday life.
Preventing distress and suffering developing into something more severe, it provides specialized services, PSS sessions, art therapy, music therapy, mindfulness sessions for stress reduction, support groups for children, caregivers and women and girls, individual therapy and parental guidance.
This project collaborates with Khelkhal, an initiative of the SHBPP at AUB and Al Najat Village.